Ceramics 1 final!

1. My most successful project was my teapot. The theme of my teapot was like a flower vase with leaves all around it. In order to complete this project I made flowers like roses and I made leaves with texture on it to look like a real leaf. I think the vase was pretty food from my teapot but I wish I could if made more flowers to put on the top. The flowers are all around the same size and look almost identical so it's not too different. I think really In the end everything fits well together and it's not to bad.  I did this theme because I love making flowers and I liked the idea a lot to make a vase with a bouquet of flowers. I used slabs a lot and slipped and scored everything together. In the end only one flower came off and just some but not a lot of the pedal cracked a little.

2. I overcame the most obstacles with my fruit goblet . I made a fruit goblet with half of a green pepper, an avocado, strawberries, grapes, a tomato and a slice of an orange. Some of the problems I had were when I was making the avocado I tried to make it so it was cut in half and I hade a problem not letting the top cave in I hade to poke several holes in it to bring it back up. When I was making 
The strawberries I hade a hard time making the stems look even. So I tried to make them equal by drawing them on a paper than making it go to the clay. I also hade a hard time keeping the strawberries together. To do it I just had to glue them together. I think this made me a better artist because I made me have to work around  things, for one thing with the strawberries I still found a way to fit then in there and make it look okay. It made me face adversity and still make It look okay. 

3. The first piece of artwork I did that I felt showed growth was my pinch pot monster. the actual pinch pot or the body of the monster was very smooth and looked like a perfect circle. Its hard to make a perfect pinch pot and mine was pretty well together. Io  feel like at the very beginning of the semester I wouldn't be able to slip and score the two parts together as well as I did or be able to smooth it out so well. Also with the hair I have I used coil and with my vase at the beginning of the year the coils fell apart and cracked a lot but these ones didn't. I also painted this project the best out of all of them, the colors are all solid and not transparent.
    The other project I showed growth was with my relief sculpture. For this project I did a lot or flowers and their stems spelled out my name. I mainly used mini thin slabs and put them together to make the roses. I kind of just laid the pieces on top of each other then put them together at the bottom. I also used coils to make the stems. What was best about my relief sculpture was that I didn't look up how to make the roses I just winged it but they still turned out okay. Also it was pretty original how I spelled my name out with it. I did two different colors with the roses and to try to have a different color I chose a darker version of the main color. I didn't really like how It turned out but after using all the paints through the semester it was easier to find colors that worked good together.

4. It was pretty effective because it lets us do our own thing or something that could make it easier and more enjoyable to make. It also helped because if we chose what thing we wanted to do we could make it like something we wanted it to be. If we chose this specific thing then it means we wanted to do it. Usually when you want to do something it makes it easier to learn. For example we could do anything for our first project with the vases. The only thing was the guidelines and other then that is was whatever you wanted it to be. When you did what you wanted to do it was easy to learn because it was something you wanted to learn. For me I like doing like a basket weave and so I learned how to slip and score each coil together so it fits. I was excited to learn hoe to do it because it was something I though was interesting. Also we could kind of do what project we wanted to do depending on what you would be better at. Technically if we wanted to we could have done a portrait and not relief sculpture. For me making human characteristics and good detail isn't my thing but making roses was.

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